
As your career evolves you may find yourself at a crossroads. Which of these best describes the challenge you are currently facing?

Sheridan’s mission is to provide Clarity and momentum for mid-career professionals who are experiencing uncertainty about their career next steps. Read more about Sheridan Gates.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius and magic in it”
– Goethe

Are you facing a Career Crossroads right now?

Either an external event, or an internal impulse is prompting you to consider your next career steps? And you want support to build the bridge to the next chapter in your career path?

Are you facing a career development opportunity in which you are:

  • crossroadsPositioned to seek promotion in the upcoming year or two
  • Facing career roadblocks in your current job
  • Ready to reinvent your career and design a new career path
  • A newly promoted manager navigating unfamiliar territory
  • A manager interested in being more effective as a team leader
  • A leader faced with guiding an organization during change and want to build capacity as a change leader

Or maybe you experience internal clues leading you towards change, for example, you are:

  • At a career plateau and seeking greater fulfillment, challenge and rewards
  • dissatisfied with work and realizing you are spending way too much time there given how you feel when you’re there
  • Experiencing a health challenge which causes you to rethink your career
  • Moving through a significant life event which has created a search for greater fulfillment and meaning in your work life
  • Experiencing a nagging internal impulse to make a career change, but not sure exactly what to do about it
  • Feeling a growing desire to do something in the world that you just can’t seem to put off any more

Whether you face external circumstances or internal impulses to change, you want to be successful during this transition. Whether you want to build a career development plan or map out a career path for the next few years, I invite you to contact me to get started on your next career steps with a dedicated thinking partner. To explore next steps, click here to learn more about engaging me as your coach or find out more about me.