Career Crisis

felled tree as metaphor for career roadblockHas some adversity knocked you off your game to the point where you feel confused, doubtful and anxious about your career future? Are you feeling more reactive than proactive about your ability to design the next chapter of your career life?

Has some health crisis created new constraints when it comes to doing your best work? As you focus on embracing this unwanted change, consider inviting me to partner with you through this transition.

You want to regain a sense of personal power, grounding and alignment within to move forward.  You’re truly open to internal exploration and growth, and to the mystery of how your spirit will lead you towards alignment and integrity.

Coaching will enable you to:

  • change the internal game
  • enable alignment of your true gifts and wisdom with the life you live—letting your life speak as a result of your inner alignment
  • face your inner dissonance so you can thrive
  • begin to truly feel good about honoring your intuition, integrity and wholeness

Questions about coaching? Get in touch.