Quick Reboot – Renewal At Work

Quick Reboot – Renewal At Work

15 Steps Toward Renewal at Work

  1. Explore why you were initially drawn to the work.  Even if you say it was for income, there must have been some spark within you that had you say “yes.”
  2. Recall high point moments in your work in which you felt alive, engaged and valued.
  3. Capture highlights from those moments and what originally attracted you to this work.  Jot these down.
  4. Look at these high point moments. Identify what you are doing?  What are three talents or skills that enliven you? Write these down.
  5. What is one outcome you really care about at work—a difference you’d really like to make?  Jot that down too.
  6. Sit quietly and savor the good feelings which have been evoked as you recall these highlights.  Take a few minutes to soak in these feelings.
  7. Consider what is draining you at work.  List the top five issues/challenges.
  8. Identify which of these you can do something about.  Remember you may not be able to control external circumstances, but you can certainly choose your attitude, how you interact with others, how you allow tension to impact you and choices you make about your focus and attention.
  9. Decide which one of the issues/challenges you most want to address.
  10. Identify the most challenging aspect of this particular issue.
  11. Consider what would need to change for you to feel some positive movement or relief.  Again, keep the change within your control.
  12. Develop an intention for a specific outcome. Map out steps you will need to take to get from here to there.
  13. Tell someone you trust about your intentions to shift the dynamic or challenge, and enlist their support.
  14. Take action from your plan towards a more desirable work life.
  15. Keep track of your successes and get support when you run into roadblocks.